The IELTS Speaking section is a part of the IELTS test, assessing a candidate's ability to communicate effectively in English. One aspect that often poses a challenge for test-takers is the correct pronunciation of words. Mispronunciations can hinder comprehension and impact the overall score. In this blog, we will explore some of the most commonly mispronounced words in the IELTS Speaking test and provide tips to help improve pronunciation skills. By addressing these common mistakes, you can improve your speaking abilities and boost your chances of achieving a high band score on the IELTS Speaking test.
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40 most commonly mispronounced words
Here are 40 commonly mispronounced words that are frequently used in the IELTS test, along with the correct pronunciation for you to understand the difference between correct and incorrect pronunciation:
Word | Incorrect Pronunciation | Correct Pronunciation |
Abalone | ah-boh-lohn | ab-uh-loh-nee |
Anemone | uh-nee-mohn | uh-nem-uh-nee |
Antarctica | ant-ark-tik-uh | ant-ahrk-ti-kuh |
Gesture | jes-chur | jes-cher |
Leisure | lee-sure | leh-shur |
Mischievous | mis-chee-vee-us | mis-chuh-vuhs |
Niche | neesh | nich |
Prejudice | pre-joo-diss | pre-juh-dis |
Squirrel | skwuh-rel | skwur-uhl |
Entrepreneur | en-tuh-pruh-noor | ahn-truh-pruh-nur |
Library | lie-berry | lie-brer-ee |
Schedule | sked-yool | sheh-jool |
February | feb-roo-air-ee | feb-roo-er-ee |
Nuclear | noo-kyuh-ler | noo-klee-er |
Synonym | sin-uh-nym | sin-nuh-m |
Vehicle | vee-hick-uhl | vee-i-kuhl |
Genre | jen-ner | zhahn-ruh |
Vegetable | veg-tay-buhl | vej-tuh-buhl |
Restaurant | res-tuh-rant | res-tuh-rahnt |
Interesting | in-ter-est-ing | in-tuh-res-ting |
Jewelry | jew-luh-ree | joo-uhl-ree |
Wednesday | wednz-day | wenz-dei |
Comfortable | com-fort-uh-buhl | kuhm-fert-uh-buhl |
Vegetable | ve-ge-ta-ble | vej-tuh-buhl |
Refrigerator | ree-fri-juh-rey-ter | ri-frij-uh-rey-ter |
Recognise | rek-uhg-nise | rek-uhg-nahys |
Miscellaneous | miss-uh-ley-nee-uhs | mis-uh-lay-nee-uhs |
Dialogue | dyuh-log | dahy-uhg |
Vegetarian | vej-uh-tair-ee-uhn | vej-i-tair-ee-uhn |
Pronunciation | pruh-nun-see-ey-shun | pruh-nuhn-see-ey-shun |
Vocabulary | voh-kab-yuh-ler-ee | voh-kab-yuh-luh-ree |
Envelope | en-vuh-lohp | en-vuh-lohp |
Government | guhv-ern-ment | guhv-er-muhnt |
Pronunciation | pruh-noun-see-ay-shun | pruh-nuhn-see-ay-shun |
Archive | ar-kive | ar-kahyv |
Organisation | or-gan-i-say-shun | awr-guh-nuh-sey-shun |
Medicine | med-i-seen | med-i-sin |
Persuade | per-swayd | per-swade |
February | feb-yoo-air-ee | feb-roo-er-ee |
Miniature | min-uh-cher | min-ee-uh-cher |
How to improve the pronunciation?
To improve your pronunciation and avoid mispronouncing words in the IELTS Speaking test, follow these helpful tips:
Engage with audio resources: Use audiobooks, podcasts, videos, news channels, and movies to listen carefully and grasp proper pronunciation
Approach complex words: Focus on lengthy words by breaking them down into syllables. This technique will make them easier to pronounce
Understand word stress: Learn when and how to stress certain words and sounds, as it plays a crucial role in English pronunciation
Practice aloud and self-record: Read passages out loud and record yourself speaking. This will help you identify areas where you need improvement
Engage in conversations: Regularly practice speaking English with others to improve your fluency and pronunciation in real-life scenarios
Use dictionaries: Make use of dictionaries to check the correct pronunciation of unfamiliar words
Tongue twisters: Challenge yourself with tongue twisters to improve your articulation and pronunciation skills
Repetition is key: Listen to and repeat difficult words multiple times to know their correct pronunciation
20 most commonly mispronounced country and city names
Here are 20 mispronounced country and city names along with their correct pronunciations for you to understand the difference. Also, some of these names might have slight variations in pronunciation based on regional accents, but the provided pronunciations are generally accepted and widely used:
Country | Mispronounced | Correct Pronunciation |
Argentina | Ar-gen-tee-nah | Ar-gen-tee-nuh |
Chile | Chill | Chee-lay |
Thailand | Thai-land | Tai-land |
Nigeria | Nigh-ger-ee-ah | Nai-jeer-ee-ah |
Qatar | Kwa-tar | Kuh-tar |
Greece | Gree-se | Grees |
Pakistan | Pack-i-stan | Pah-ki-stahn |
Colombia | Co-lum-bi-a | Kuh-lum-bee-uh |
Nicaragua | Nye-ka-ra-gwah | Nik-uh-ra-gwah |
Mauritius | Ma-ri-shus | Maw-Ri-Shus |
City | Mispronounced | Correct Pronunciation |
Beijing | Bai-jing | Bay-jing |
Moscow | Moss-cow | Mah-skow |
Bangkok | Bang-kok | Bang-gawk |
Melbourne | Mel-born | Mel-burn |
Dubai | Doo-bye | Doo-BYE |
Munich | Mew-nich | Myoo-nik |
Budapest | Bud-a-pest | Boo-da-pesht |
Reykjavik | Reyk-ja-vik | Rake-ya-vik |
Lahore | Luh-hor | Lah-hor |
Buenos Aires | Bwen-os Airs | Bway-nos Eye-rehs |
The IELTS Speaking test requires careful attention to pronunciation, as mispronouncing words can significantly impact your overall score. To improve your pronunciation skills, it is important to practice regularly and familiarise yourself with the correct pronunciation of commonly mispronounced words.Additionally, if you want to know more about the IELTS test, you can visit your nearest IDP IELTS test centres.
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