Ace the IELTS test by solving sample test papers
IELTS stands for the International English Language Testing System, and it is the world’s most widely accepted English language proficiency test. The test is accepted by over 12,000 organisations and educational institutions around the world and is taken by non-native speakers of the English language who wish to move to a predominantly English-speaking country, either for work or for education.
The test is graded on a band score of 0-9, where one is awarded to a non-user of English, while expert users are awarded a score of 9. There are two types of IELTS- the IELTS Academic test and the IELTS General Training test. The IELTS Academic test is taken by students, while the IELTS General Training test is taken by people moving for work or employment training. There are four sections to the test - Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Listening that are designed to test the candidates’ grasp of the English language.
The higher you score on the test, the greater the chances of getting accepted to reputed universities and companies.
It is very easy to score well on the IELTS test if you have access to the correct exam preparation tools and you practice well. Sharpen your skills with a variety of sample tests that you can get from IDP. They offer tutorials for IELTS on Computer tests and sample papers for IELTS on Paper tests.

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Importance of sample test papers
An IELTS sample or mock test is a test that is similar to the actual test as it has the same structure, same difficulty levels, same timing, and same marking. Candidates are encouraged to solve the full sample tests before taking the actual exam. The sample test is of primary importance for students who have just started studying as they will familiarise themselves with the various sections and learn about the instructions, number of questions and timing of each section.
The benefits of the sample papers are:
These tests are helpful from the perspective of time management. The candidates are trained to finish the test within the stipulated time frame
The sample tests help the candidates identify their weaknesses and strengths. So, they can work on the areas where there are lacking
The result offered by the sample test helps candidates identify their progress and allows them to fathom their growth levels
The sample tests also train the candidates, so they are mentally prepared for the test and are trained to expect any surprises
IDP 30-day online preparation course
Candidates who register for IELTS with IDP are given 30-day unrestricted access to an online IELTS preparation course. This preparation course allows students to practice for all four sections.
Under this preparation course, students are given the following:
25 hours of online study time
Practice tests relating to all the four sections
Answer key and feedback
Tips from experts in the field and international education officers
As soon as you register for IELTS, you will receive an activation link, and the 30-day access starts immediately. The easiest and sure-shot way to ensure a good and high score in IELTS is to practice and take the sample papers. We wish you all the best for your upcoming exam!